Internal Assessment

An Eight-Step Guide

Step Five: Averages and Uncertainty Calculations

By the end of this step you will have:

✔︎  Carried out calculations for all your dependent variable averages and uncertainties

✔︎  Shown and explained an example calculation for your dependent variable averages and uncertainties

✔︎  Fully completed your processed data table

Calculating the averages for your dependent variable

Calculating uncertainties for your dependent variable


➜  Calculate the averages for your dependent variable

  Calculate uncertainties for your dependent variable



✔︎  I have an example average calculation

✔︎  I have an example absolute uncertainty calculation

✔︎  I have an example percentage uncertainty calculation

✔︎  I fully completed my processed data table

✔︎  My processed data table headings include the name of and/or symbol for each value

✔︎  All symbols in the headings of my processed data table are in italics

✔︎  My processed data table headings include units where appropriate

✔︎  All values in my processed data table are correctly rounded

Questions to ask your teacher

  Are all the example calculations correct?

✤  Are headings in the processed data table correct?

✤  Are all values in the processed data table rounded correctly?

Additional resources

Example IA (PDF)

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